Tuesday 8 August 2017


Determine your body shape by following these simple steps
  • Pay attention to your body regarding where you often add fats this could be the stomach or the thighs
  • Standing in front of your of a mirror examine your body curve is very important as this would give the exact shape you fall into rather than trying to figure out your shape when dress up
  • Pay attention to those part of your body you don't like exposing also note those area that of great asset to you like your wonderful straight lower legs, arms.
  • pay attention to the narrowest as well as the longest part of your body, putting into mind the shoulder the waist and the hips. Taking note of the new shape they grow into. 
Achieving accurate measurement of the body shape is vital and as such visual measurement is not advice but measuring with tape is most appropriate. In achieving these few tips are relevant,
  • Get the bust measurement
  • Get the waist measurement
  • Get the hips measurement
Its important to state here that each of these three part measurement highlighted is to determine how large or otherwise the upper part of the woman body is, that is the bust measurement. The waist determines the how wide or narrow the mid section of the body is while the hips help to confirm how big or small the lower part of the body is.

The next step is to compare what you have measured to those mostly known body shape types, remembering their features. The Triangle shape, Hourglass shape, Apple shape, inverted triangles among others.

The Triangle shape features includes
  • Gain weight in the thighs
  • Wider hips and thighs
  • Smaller bust and waist
  • Most times they have hips measuring wider than the shoulder
  • Slender arms with some kind of short fall legs
The hourglass shape has these features
  • Waist often narrow creating a wonderful noticeable curves
  • Proportionally gain weight at the hips, thighs and the chest
  • Bust and hips are mostly the same size
Also remembering the features of  the apple shape
  • Mostly gain weight in the mid-section of the body, rear and the face.
  • Gain weight also in the shoulder, bust as well as the waist
  • While the lower part involving the hips and the legs are always slim.
The Rectangular shape
  • Gain weight around the stomach and the back area
  • The shoulder waist, hips and bust are most of the time slim and of same size
Its important to mention here that most teen girls have rectangular shape, their body move to the adulthood stage after the teen stage in their life and then they assume full adult stage and the real shape start showing.

The inverted Triangle shape have these
  • The upper section the shoulder and the bust is often bigger. 
  • The waist is flat with narrow hips than the shoulder and the bust
These tips are helpful in determining your real shape and what kind of dress best bring out the potential in you.

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Are you worried with that excess fat  in your body or is it that excess fat that your husband or boyfriend is complaining about all the time...